Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yellow Socks

Everybody relies on their senses to communicate with each other. But what if these senses weren't calibrated? What if what was green to me would be orange to you? Sweet was salty? There wouldn't be a way to compare, I wouldn't be able to say, "Jean-Paul, that sock is yellow" because although that sock is actually red (My red, not yours.) to him, he compares it to the yellow that he knows. Which is red. Get it?
And with all of these preferences, because everybody has to be different, nobody has a standard. Jean might love sweet foods, while I might love bitter foods. However, because the connotation of bitter is negative, I might assume that sweet is everyone elses' bitter. My taste buds could detect bitterness, while someone else could eat the same thing and detect sweet. How queer.

These simple adjectives are developed by what we assume as infants. (Which may be entirely incorrect.) The entire world is like that. In fact, our imaginations are limited to what we know. Everything is questionable, you see? But I'll save all of that for another post.

rheeeeak (12:05:22 AM): shouldn't you be out playing with firecrackers instead of this crap?
solarpoweredspaz (12:05:27 AM): Lol
solarpoweredspaz (12:06:12 AM): That's Viet, who make a bigger deal out of Chinese New Year's than the Chinese do.
rheeeeak (12:06:27 AM): LOL.
solarpoweredspaz (12:06:32 AM): Party animals.
rheeeeak (12:06:39 AM): that's so true.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For Natasha honey.

I apologize to my few readers for not posting since December. I hypothesized that a break would allow me time to think, but it hasn't helped. It seems as though going through a relationship had fueled my thought, or perhaps the thoughts were built up as things that I've always wondered about. School doesn't distract me from thinking, as I had thought in the past. Rather, it has only changed my way of thought that now orbits convienience.