Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spaghetti Metaphors

"Oh, the things I'd do, if I were you.
And the things you'd see, if you were me."
Thanks, Dr. Seuss.

I figure that Justin has plenty of time to think, he seems to understand a lot.
Cat considers traveling for me, what more could I ask for?
Mymy snares a bounty of fish, she just throws them all back.
Thi, you're much too adhesive. Take a break. Happy Birthday.
Jenny likes to listen to me ramble about sluts and music.
Cramcakes. Cramcakes?
Rohit has an open mind and an open mouth to match it.
Vickie dreams about drowning in mazes of people.
Tiff can always find some way to impress me.
Annie invents her own vocabulary.
But you, reader, are most important, which is why I didn't list you here.

That's life, I can't name everyone I know.

My dad has this saying that he loves to use. He quotes it when American teachers give elementary kids all A's and when people play games where "everyone wins"
He shakes his head and tells me, "You're special. Just like everyone else."

solarpoweredspaz (12:43:01 AM): So? Thi, if you were eating spaghetti, and you had this giantass mess of it on your face, only the good friend would point it out.
CuppiT3A Cakes (12:43:18 AM): thats not an opinion! thats a fact!
solarpoweredspaz (12:43:19 AM): The strangers would be polite and not point it out.
solarpoweredspaz (12:43:28 AM): To try to make you feel better about yourself.

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