Monday, December 15, 2008

Gravity is Only a Theory.

For a Proper Buche de Noel:
3 eggs with personality
1 flour baby
6 bad jokes
foul, foul chocolate.

What goes up always comes down, and the sky is blue. Yeah, I know you know. But are you sure?
Life is complicated, agreed? So is math. (The essence of the universe, remember?)
The way humanity figured out how life works can be compared to the way you would do a math problem. (One step at a time..)
However, the basis of what we know has been discovered by, very literally, cavemen.
That's like asking a baby to start off an algebraic equation, its kinda tough.
Unless you pick one of those superbabies, those ones that you see on Opera that graduate college by the age of 3.
My point is, these guys could have made a mistake in their "calculations", and what happens when you mess up in the beginning of an equation?

Superbaby says, "You get drastic changes in your final answer."
We as humans base things only as we perceive it. That's what limits human knowledge; human knowledge. For all we know, the sky isn't blue. Gravity is only a theory. There is no such thing as a year. E does not equal em-cee squared. Keep that in mind the next time someone asks you for the time.

I'll dissect, digest, anything you say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

6 BAD JOKES = All coming from the one and only, Ryan Kwok.