Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Make Love is Trendy" Is Trendy

Trends have always been set in humanity, there was always a sense of which ideas were the most popular among the common people. In Rome and China especially, expressive ideas were so often beat down. However, in our weird present-day American ways, individuality is promoted.
"What? We're Not supposed to follow the crowd now?"
This is when we get confused. If the cool thing to do is to go against the flow, then would going against the flow be with the flow? Which way is up? Ah!
Pretty soon, with everybody going with their own ideas, there won't be a trend.
That means that we don't have a flow. Which makes everybody uncool again. The cycles goes on..

What do we do now? Human nature is at risk. I'll tell you what to do.
As everybody "Discovers themselves" Pick one original "Trendy mate". Follow his outlandish trends, like braiding those hairs on your knuckles. Or daydreaming, drawing, and posting on your blog. Those are original.
Then, as society falls apart and everybody becomes unpopular, rise up as the only trend followers (You and your trendy mate) to claim your place as the most popular people in the world.
But the plan has its flaws, and there will always be those old-fashioned kids who follow trends no matter what. Kidnap them.

I made a deviant account. Its what all of the artsy kids do these days.

Because my glass half full is running on empty.

n: im gossiping with my friend
s: I'm blogging. Anything juicy?
h: cool cool
n: my friend liked a girl since freshman year and now they dont tallk!
n: hes junior
s: I'd feel like I was wasting my time.
h: i know...
n: sad really
s: Like, "What? I stay loyal to you for all of this time and this is what I get?"


K4THY said...

I'll fill your glass, baby.

^I think that was some kind of deformed attempt at a pickup line. HAHAHA.

Krasivaia Natasha said...

ill start a deviant also then!
umm... until i get my scanner up you can scan and upload for me? thanks darling!