Thursday, August 20, 2009

Like They Do On The Discovery Channel

"I don't blog. I don't like to blog. So why am I blogging?" -From the mastery of Aleksis Rae.

We all like to feel special. We all enjoy a little self-value. Consequentially, when asked if we are the dominant race in our little world we'd almost certainly reply "Of course!". However, when asked why we always hesitate and stutter.
For example, there was a time when my scientific dad and his religious ladyfriend were watching a show about monkeys. It was then that she was asked if she believed in the Darwin theory. Her response?
"Of course not. We're nothing like monkeys."
"But genetically, we're nearly the same."
"Well.. They can't speak."

With all due respect for Miss Alice, I think this portrays the ignorance of humankind. And the possible ignorance of other animals, too. You heard me.
You and me baby are nothin' but mammals.

But, but, We're special in some ways! Right, Miss Alice? Right-o.
For example, we're the only species that can create and enjoy art. That's what they say. Well, that's a meager accomplishment, seeing that art has no benefits outside of human enjoyment.
Bolder claims say that we're the only ones who are aware of our existence, which can't be proven.
We're the only ones who can alter out environment, explore the realms of space, the list goes on. All in an attempt to separate ourselves for the others, to be better than the rest of the world's little creepy crawly things.
Well, an ant can lift a thousand times it's own weight. We can't do that. In fact, almost every creature can do something that the others can't. And I'm sure that they understand that they're the dominant species as well.

Thanks, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, for the insight. And remember: To the dog, he isn't the pet. You are.

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