Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Everyone has something in their blogs about the presidential elections, along the lines of:
"I'm so happy/mad that Obama won."
"I should post about it. History is being made."
At first I was reluctant to say anything about the elections, until I found a new way.

Every successful man has some method of determining how bad his life sucks. In all hopes of becoming successful, I developed a system as well. It works like my music scale, a 0 being the worst and 10 being a good day. As the day crawls along, I rate each big event and either add or subtract it to my lifescale.
Whether you start your scale on 0 or 10 ultimately depends on how you look at life, however this step is where one might argue about where. See, if you were a pessimist would you start on a 0 or a 10? You might say, "0, of course!", but then the pessimist would be focused on good events to average the day out.
The pessimist wouldn't be able to start on a 10 either, because the day would then be started on a good note. Quite the controversy.
My conclusion?
The only way for my system to work is if pessimists start on a 10, but that 10 is everyone elses 0. In other words, pessimists score negative numbers to average their days out. My ladies and gents, I have just proven (conceptually) that your mood directly determines the quality of your day.

Point 1: You have to see the glass as either half empty or half full. Thus, you are either optimistic or pessimistic without exception.
Point 2: Pessimists score negatives. In that case, optimists score above 10.
2nd Conclusion: Nobody has a normal day?

banANNIEsplit89 (5:28:37 PM): and ryan kwok sounds like a white boy raised by ducklings
banANNIEsplit89 (5:28:47 PM): and then eaten by asians
banANNIEsplit89 (5:28:50 PM): so watch yo back

Vickie will love this:

Did you know?
Wikipedia has 473 bots. Whatever that means.
How would you count internet programs? Different functions? Different purchases? Someone enlighten me.

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