Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jean-Paul, You're an Animal

xFISHaww (9:03:51 PM): <3(:
solarpoweredspaz (9:13:30 PM): Your smileyface has a funny-looking tumor on his chin.

The government can print money, right? The government also knows that it can't print too much, because they lack in gold to back it up. I know, for a fact, that printing requires resources. And resources cost money. To print money.

"Wait, so.. Its costs money to print money?"

Yes, junior. Or does it?
See, printing money calls for the need of paper. Who has to buy that?
The government. Buys paper.
Now Jean-Paul, our imaginary paper vendor, brings paper to the government. What does he get for his paper? Money that was printed on with his paper. How strange is that?
Somehow, the government just ends up pulling a bit of the money that they're making anyways and gives it to Jean-Paul.
So does little Jean-Paul actually get anything for this? Idealistically, yes.
Materialistically, no. The government's gold stays in the same place and J.P. gets his paper back, only more green and dirty.

Oh yeah. Scientifically, you're not in control anymore.
Yeah, its shocking for us, but neurologists are slowly proving that making decisions for yourself is an illusion. Apparently, you think your brain is in control when your animal instinct is taking the wheel. (Which is all of the time.)
That's why you can't control attraction to someone or do anything without a reason. (And doing something without a reason to prove me wrong is a reason.)
But what will that do to society today? To religion? Scientists are just going to prove that we're animals, and no better than them.
How peculiar.

banANNIEsplit89 (10:21:41 PM): disclaimer:i do like the books and im sure ill like the movie, just not the riot
solarpoweredspaz (10:27:21 PM): ._.
solarpoweredspaz (10:27:24 PM): Of girls.
solarpoweredspaz (10:27:33 PM): Obsessive girls.
banANNIEsplit89 (10:28:16 PM): have you heard guys talk about video games ever? now thats obsessive.
solarpoweredspaz (10:28:55 PM): Hey, we don't cry when we see the Jonas brothers perform live.
solarpoweredspaz (10:29:02 PM): That's pathetic.
solarpoweredspaz (10:29:17 PM): :]
banANNIEsplit89 (10:29:19 PM): HAHAH!

1 comment:

K4THY said...

I will now proceed to mate mindlessly.

And eat some raw fish.

Bought with Jean-Paul's paper.
