Monday, December 1, 2008


Eureka! Isn't that what Greek whosemface said? "I've got it"
The best revolutionary rant that I've come up with for a while, since my "How to live forever" post. Get this:

We all live our high school lives mindlessly learning empty material, stuff that we could never actually put to good use in real life. [Imagine: "You can buy this loaf of bread IFF you can recite the periodic table backwards starting from zinc." *Half of the worlds starves to death.*]
But since time began nomadic peoples have asked the Aztec gods one question, "Which high school field of study is the most advanced, the most useful and most important?"
Imean, everybody has their own opinions, right? Sara Pham prefers literature. I like science.
But I can prove which is most important, not to you, but to the Aztec gods. And Greek whosemface.

Today, we'll be comparing four classes: literature, math, history and science.
Instead of viewing them as four seperate subjects, look at them as if they were interdependant on each other. History is the study of humanity, agreed? Literature is a product of humanity.
So without humanity, literature would not exist. Humanity > Engrish

Now, science and math get tricky. When it comes down to things, science is the study of things in our universe. Everything we know about us and our surroundings has rules and is included within the field of science.
But we don't know everything, do we?
In science, rules can change. We can discover things that aren't within our perception, and that perception grows.

Math is the study of the universe itself, or at least the rules incorporated into that. You can't ever change the rules of mathematics, 1+1 will always equal 2.
Thus, Universe>Environment and without what we know about science, Humanity would not exist.

There we go, the most important subject in high school, the only one that will help you during an extraterrestrial abduction, is math.


K4THY said...

You've got my head spinning, heart beating out of my chest. ;)

Krasivaia Natasha said...

wasnt "eureka!" from Spaniards that found gold in a river?
i did no research but, i kinda renember from one of my gold rush field trip...

Anonymous said...


K4THY said...

You + FTSK = almost as good as fish.