Friday, October 17, 2008

Fun With Dimensions!

AGGH! I can't stop blogging!
It must be my OCBD.
Shall I let the shame of my mental capacity dictate whether or not I have a blog?
No! D:< I'm just changing, like the world does. This odd, odd world..

So now that I'm up and running again, I ask you this:
If you draw something on a sheet of paper with a pencil, is it really two-dimensional? I'm sure if you were to disenigrate that sheet, the remaining graphite shavings would count as 3-D, if put on a very small scale. There must be only one conclusion, there is no real second dimension. All other dimensions are conceptual besides our own.
Every dimension is conceptual, even time. Why don't things just happen, why is time considered an aspect of nature? Time, my good readers, is just a measurement used by man to record past events. Feel free to disagree.

I turned to art because I was tired of being wrong. Thanks, Picasso.

All hail the Ceiling Cat.

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