Sunday, October 26, 2008

"What Do You Call This Stuff?" "Cystic Fibrosis."

I did that on paint. Not even close to the real thing.

chelibeli454 (11:11:26 AM): I hate being sick

Everyone hates being sick. It makes you feel horrible, your nose feels stuffy and your head aches.
It distracts from the healthy life, where your head is stuffy and your dignity aches.

So, viruses had this great idea of making you feel bad when you get sick. This worked for the last hundred thousand years, but in this modern age we've been winning. We have vaccines and chicken noodle soup, amirite?
So imagine how successful the viruses would be if they made people feel good.

Say goodbye to MarryJohnuwanna? and Cocaine-cola, bacteria would be the ultimate drug. Look at the number of people that do drugs, and then add that number to the current number of sick people in the world. Everyone would be sick.

"But wouldn't some viruses kill you?!? D:"
Don't drugs kill you?
"I don't get it.."
-Freakin' druggies. :D

With viruses that feel good, the entire human population would die out. Really fast. So instead of hating what that 24-hour influenza does to you, praise it for making you feel like a sack of rotting flesh. Its the reason that you're alive.

Daily Irony:

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