Monday, August 18, 2008


solarpoweredspaz (10:07:36 PM): Hey, creamcake.

Two more days, and I'll be in California. I spent my last days in the coniferous city of Durango. Every part of Durango is beautiful, perky female residents especially.
But guess again, if you think I traveled for five hours just to spot girls. I went for my driver's permit. Yeah, chances are that I'll be catering [you, the reader] around until you can get a little red motor scooter of your own. That means you too, Annie.

After my driving class with [who else but pretty girls?], I went canoeing with a guide named Brian. Brain sounds uncomfortably close to Ryan, my previous rafting guide. Tif , who also went rafting, had an instructor named Ryan as well.

So who knows? Maybe I'll look into river-guiding for a summer job.

"Mind Bottling.
I finally got Ryanbear’s package today. I went outside and it was sitting happily on the stairs getting sunned on. I cracked that thing open faster than you can say “NASTIA LIUKEN TOOK HOME THE GOLD IN THE OLYMPIC ALL AROUNDS.” Inside, there was the most Ryanified things I have ever layed my Australiasian hands on. Things like tweaked Pokemon cards, a bar of used soap, a zebra painted rock, and his Ghetto Book :O. Which Ryan, I’m going to have to give back to you. Now this package is what I’d call some major Ryanspice."

Delivering five minutes of awkwardness at a time. Through the mail.

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