Sunday, August 10, 2008


Horray for an urban change!

If I were supposedly in a band, maybe called Best of Basics or Advocet or whatever kids name them these days, I'd be frustrated. Relationships don't last long enough to write songs about them.

Toothpaste! They all taste like mint to me, yet they each claim to have a certain strength like "Cavity Protection" or "Super Whitening". Does your breath smell like fish? Get our "Anti-Fishbreath" paste. Allergic to paste? Get our new "Paste-Free" paste.

Nono, I think that this is a scam. See, people with cavities would be more likely to buy a tube of toothpaste with a label that specifically says "Cavity Protection" It'll make the toothpaste sound more effective at dealing with that certain situation. Specialist toothpaste.
Now say that it was actually true, that each toothpaste had a strength. Why not then, take a blender and throw all of the toothpastes in to create a final, perfect toothpaste Armageddon? The answer is..
Specialist toothpaste. Refering to previous ramble.

My grandmother loves to talk to me, but she tries too hard to relate.

G: "Have you seen the Olympics lately? It's being held in China, I think you'd like it."
R: "Uh. Thanks, Grandma."
G: "Yeah, China's changed alot in the past decade. Right Ryan?"
R: "Yeah.. do you know that they built a wall?"

solarpoweredspaz (10:56:08 PM): Its like we were meant to be friends.
B0L0GNABUT T (10:56:46 PM): it's like some solar magnetic bond drew us together from colorado and oregon and confined us to san jose
B0L0GNABUT T (10:56:51 PM): just like in transformers

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