Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"I Need Nicer Friends" "What Friends?"

Time machines! Input from an uneducated source:
Is it possible to make a time machine? It depends on what you believe in. If a time machine were to work the way Back to the Future portrayed it, it would be able to rewind the theoretical timeline of history. (Wow, really?!?) For this to happen, there must not only be a machine but also a sense of "time"
So what is time? Theoretical time would be a recording of everything happening everywhere at every time in some weird invisible dimension. This creates a problem; why would such a dimension exist, and what would its motivation be? If I were able to tap into this dimension, how would I do it? Too much thinking.
Or you could accept my idea of time being a recording made by man. Apparently its wrong.
Apparently, scientists speak of some space-time continuum. I'm not Einstein, I'm ignorant.
Until I find out for myself, I'm sticking with my ideas.


K4THY said...

Time doesn't actually exist. It just pretends to in order to impress the likes of me.

K4THY said...

All in good time.