Monday, December 22, 2008

The Mystery of the Chocolate Bunny

"Are you eating your broccolis? And your carrots. They make your eyes..smarter." said the cutely-fobbish Asian woman that my brother and I ran into in Southwest Airlines. She was talking to some little white girl with a chocolate bunny in her hand. Next to the girl was who appeared to be her father, a defensive-looking guy wearing a tanktop and a tattoo. "Only uncover the amount that you plan on eating!" Cries the fobbish woman, as the girl undresses the chocolate. The man looks kind of uncomfortable, while the girl smiles up at him and hands him foil waste. He smirks, but then does something odd- he gives the woman the foil.
That's when my brother starts to notice, as I ask him what relations these three have to each other. They weren't a family, for sure. The way the man and the woman talked was too detached- like how strangers would talk to one another. The girl was clinging to the guy's luggage, and the woman talked to her like she wasn't her kid.
But the stranger would give the foil to the mother, in in that situation. Odd.
This goes on for a little while longer until a new character bring herself into our attention; a white woman who looks like the mother of the child. Apparently, she was there, but remained unnoticed until the little girl knocked over her suitcase. That's when she stands next to the guy and cleans the messy choco-faced child.
Okay, we found the mom. So the guy must be the dad, and the fobby asian lady is meddling around because she wants a family but doesn't have one. But what about the foil exchange? We were determined to solve this mystery.
In the midst of our thought, the mom turns around and starts talking to the guy, the same way the guy was talking to the other lady. (Distant, like a stranger. Remember?)
We came up with another theory: All three people belonged to separate parties, and the child to the "mom" woman. As the line that we were waiting in moved forward, we became more and more sure of our theory until at the front of the line the little girl said she was finished with her chocolate bunny. The mom pulls out a ziplock bag while the asian lady says, "Thats why she always brings the ziplock bags when we travel." to the man. The girl then sits in a stroller chair that the asian lady pushes. (I don't know how we didn't notice that before.)
Lesbians! It had to be true. The other guy was just there, kind of buzzing around.
Everything pointed to it, all the facts matched up. If our theory was correct, the group would break off into two groups at the end of the line.

It was the moment of truth, as we reached the front of the line and the people at the baggage claim shouted, "Next up!" the two women glanced at the workers and made their way to the counter with their baby.

The only problem was that the guy was with them, a single party of one.
Got any theories? Comment me.

suhpaz (12:58:42 AM): am scared. of the dark.
suhpaz (12:58:47 AM): deathly so.
solarpoweredspaz (1:02:02 AM): I'm afraid of heights.
solarpoweredspaz (1:02:17 AM): No, I'm afraid of falling. Nobody's afraid of heights.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Coyotes are the Smartest Dogs

For you, honey! I'm sorry that it took so long.

'I am sixteen and May is talking to me on the phone. “All my boys are dogs,” she says. “One of them is a German shepherd, and that one I used to like, he's a wolf, and you're a coyote.”
“I'm not a coyote. I'm more of a cat... or, uh, a bear.”
“But if you were a dog, you'd be a coyote.”
“Yeah, but that's because coyotes are the smartest dogs.”

“All my boys are dogs. You, you're a coyote.”
I don't ask why.
“Because coyotes are like wolves, but not as strong. And they have bushy tails. But they fight anyway.”
May knows better than anyone that I am not strong, and that I have a bushy tail.' -SeeMyMask

December 19th, Vickie. Think about it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gravity is Only a Theory.

For a Proper Buche de Noel:
3 eggs with personality
1 flour baby
6 bad jokes
foul, foul chocolate.

What goes up always comes down, and the sky is blue. Yeah, I know you know. But are you sure?
Life is complicated, agreed? So is math. (The essence of the universe, remember?)
The way humanity figured out how life works can be compared to the way you would do a math problem. (One step at a time..)
However, the basis of what we know has been discovered by, very literally, cavemen.
That's like asking a baby to start off an algebraic equation, its kinda tough.
Unless you pick one of those superbabies, those ones that you see on Opera that graduate college by the age of 3.
My point is, these guys could have made a mistake in their "calculations", and what happens when you mess up in the beginning of an equation?

Superbaby says, "You get drastic changes in your final answer."
We as humans base things only as we perceive it. That's what limits human knowledge; human knowledge. For all we know, the sky isn't blue. Gravity is only a theory. There is no such thing as a year. E does not equal em-cee squared. Keep that in mind the next time someone asks you for the time.

I'll dissect, digest, anything you say.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Make Love is Trendy" Is Trendy

Trends have always been set in humanity, there was always a sense of which ideas were the most popular among the common people. In Rome and China especially, expressive ideas were so often beat down. However, in our weird present-day American ways, individuality is promoted.
"What? We're Not supposed to follow the crowd now?"
This is when we get confused. If the cool thing to do is to go against the flow, then would going against the flow be with the flow? Which way is up? Ah!
Pretty soon, with everybody going with their own ideas, there won't be a trend.
That means that we don't have a flow. Which makes everybody uncool again. The cycles goes on..

What do we do now? Human nature is at risk. I'll tell you what to do.
As everybody "Discovers themselves" Pick one original "Trendy mate". Follow his outlandish trends, like braiding those hairs on your knuckles. Or daydreaming, drawing, and posting on your blog. Those are original.
Then, as society falls apart and everybody becomes unpopular, rise up as the only trend followers (You and your trendy mate) to claim your place as the most popular people in the world.
But the plan has its flaws, and there will always be those old-fashioned kids who follow trends no matter what. Kidnap them.

I made a deviant account. Its what all of the artsy kids do these days.

Because my glass half full is running on empty.

n: im gossiping with my friend
s: I'm blogging. Anything juicy?
h: cool cool
n: my friend liked a girl since freshman year and now they dont tallk!
n: hes junior
s: I'd feel like I was wasting my time.
h: i know...
n: sad really
s: Like, "What? I stay loyal to you for all of this time and this is what I get?"

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Natasha caught up to me in posts! Wow, I need to start blogging again.
They won't write themselves, will they?

Inspired by the works of Natasha

Epic Don

Monday, December 1, 2008


Eureka! Isn't that what Greek whosemface said? "I've got it"
The best revolutionary rant that I've come up with for a while, since my "How to live forever" post. Get this:

We all live our high school lives mindlessly learning empty material, stuff that we could never actually put to good use in real life. [Imagine: "You can buy this loaf of bread IFF you can recite the periodic table backwards starting from zinc." *Half of the worlds starves to death.*]
But since time began nomadic peoples have asked the Aztec gods one question, "Which high school field of study is the most advanced, the most useful and most important?"
Imean, everybody has their own opinions, right? Sara Pham prefers literature. I like science.
But I can prove which is most important, not to you, but to the Aztec gods. And Greek whosemface.

Today, we'll be comparing four classes: literature, math, history and science.
Instead of viewing them as four seperate subjects, look at them as if they were interdependant on each other. History is the study of humanity, agreed? Literature is a product of humanity.
So without humanity, literature would not exist. Humanity > Engrish

Now, science and math get tricky. When it comes down to things, science is the study of things in our universe. Everything we know about us and our surroundings has rules and is included within the field of science.
But we don't know everything, do we?
In science, rules can change. We can discover things that aren't within our perception, and that perception grows.

Math is the study of the universe itself, or at least the rules incorporated into that. You can't ever change the rules of mathematics, 1+1 will always equal 2.
Thus, Universe>Environment and without what we know about science, Humanity would not exist.

There we go, the most important subject in high school, the only one that will help you during an extraterrestrial abduction, is math.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jean-Paul, You're an Animal

xFISHaww (9:03:51 PM): <3(:
solarpoweredspaz (9:13:30 PM): Your smileyface has a funny-looking tumor on his chin.

The government can print money, right? The government also knows that it can't print too much, because they lack in gold to back it up. I know, for a fact, that printing requires resources. And resources cost money. To print money.

"Wait, so.. Its costs money to print money?"

Yes, junior. Or does it?
See, printing money calls for the need of paper. Who has to buy that?
The government. Buys paper.
Now Jean-Paul, our imaginary paper vendor, brings paper to the government. What does he get for his paper? Money that was printed on with his paper. How strange is that?
Somehow, the government just ends up pulling a bit of the money that they're making anyways and gives it to Jean-Paul.
So does little Jean-Paul actually get anything for this? Idealistically, yes.
Materialistically, no. The government's gold stays in the same place and J.P. gets his paper back, only more green and dirty.

Oh yeah. Scientifically, you're not in control anymore.
Yeah, its shocking for us, but neurologists are slowly proving that making decisions for yourself is an illusion. Apparently, you think your brain is in control when your animal instinct is taking the wheel. (Which is all of the time.)
That's why you can't control attraction to someone or do anything without a reason. (And doing something without a reason to prove me wrong is a reason.)
But what will that do to society today? To religion? Scientists are just going to prove that we're animals, and no better than them.
How peculiar.

banANNIEsplit89 (10:21:41 PM): disclaimer:i do like the books and im sure ill like the movie, just not the riot
solarpoweredspaz (10:27:21 PM): ._.
solarpoweredspaz (10:27:24 PM): Of girls.
solarpoweredspaz (10:27:33 PM): Obsessive girls.
banANNIEsplit89 (10:28:16 PM): have you heard guys talk about video games ever? now thats obsessive.
solarpoweredspaz (10:28:55 PM): Hey, we don't cry when we see the Jonas brothers perform live.
solarpoweredspaz (10:29:02 PM): That's pathetic.
solarpoweredspaz (10:29:17 PM): :]
banANNIEsplit89 (10:29:19 PM): HAHAH!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


In a sudden explosion of media:

"Your Ex-Lover Is Dead"

God that was strange to see you again
Introduced by a friend of a friend
Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
In that instant it started to pour,
Captured a taxi despite all the rain
We drove in silence across Point Champlain
And all of the time you thought I was sad
I was trying to remember your name.

Rock Operas

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Everyone has something in their blogs about the presidential elections, along the lines of:
"I'm so happy/mad that Obama won."
"I should post about it. History is being made."
At first I was reluctant to say anything about the elections, until I found a new way.

Every successful man has some method of determining how bad his life sucks. In all hopes of becoming successful, I developed a system as well. It works like my music scale, a 0 being the worst and 10 being a good day. As the day crawls along, I rate each big event and either add or subtract it to my lifescale.
Whether you start your scale on 0 or 10 ultimately depends on how you look at life, however this step is where one might argue about where. See, if you were a pessimist would you start on a 0 or a 10? You might say, "0, of course!", but then the pessimist would be focused on good events to average the day out.
The pessimist wouldn't be able to start on a 10 either, because the day would then be started on a good note. Quite the controversy.
My conclusion?
The only way for my system to work is if pessimists start on a 10, but that 10 is everyone elses 0. In other words, pessimists score negative numbers to average their days out. My ladies and gents, I have just proven (conceptually) that your mood directly determines the quality of your day.

Point 1: You have to see the glass as either half empty or half full. Thus, you are either optimistic or pessimistic without exception.
Point 2: Pessimists score negatives. In that case, optimists score above 10.
2nd Conclusion: Nobody has a normal day?

banANNIEsplit89 (5:28:37 PM): and ryan kwok sounds like a white boy raised by ducklings
banANNIEsplit89 (5:28:47 PM): and then eaten by asians
banANNIEsplit89 (5:28:50 PM): so watch yo back

Vickie will love this:

Did you know?
Wikipedia has 473 bots. Whatever that means.
How would you count internet programs? Different functions? Different purchases? Someone enlighten me.

The Quirky Human Mind's Quirks of the Quirky Human Mind's..

I hate deja vus.
Out of nowhere, but from somewhere, they hit you like a rock to the face. An ANALOGY! Deja vus are like rocks that hit your face, my reasoning? Common symptoms.

1. When hit, you take a few moments to process what happened. (Making a face that resembles that of a domesticated animal.)

2. You look around, dumbly. "Who threw that?!?"
Nobody answers.

3. If such events are familiar to you, then chances are it wasn't the first time. The problem is the rock, hitting you so hard that you lose all of your long term memory. Like a deja vu.

The problem with deja vus is that you remember them...kind of. Because it is a deja vu, you ponder it. Not enough to remember the details, but enough to put into your memory bank. As a result, You set up another deja vu for when the same occurrence happens to you again, when your mind pulls the memory out (just a tiny bit) but cannot remember details.
So you aren't weird for having reoccurring deja vus, "I remember that I remembered this before!" its part of a complex and natural cycle of brain farts.

I just had a deja vu of myself posting about deja vus. No joke.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"I Need Nicer Friends" "What Friends?"

Time machines! Input from an uneducated source:
Is it possible to make a time machine? It depends on what you believe in. If a time machine were to work the way Back to the Future portrayed it, it would be able to rewind the theoretical timeline of history. (Wow, really?!?) For this to happen, there must not only be a machine but also a sense of "time"
So what is time? Theoretical time would be a recording of everything happening everywhere at every time in some weird invisible dimension. This creates a problem; why would such a dimension exist, and what would its motivation be? If I were able to tap into this dimension, how would I do it? Too much thinking.
Or you could accept my idea of time being a recording made by man. Apparently its wrong.
Apparently, scientists speak of some space-time continuum. I'm not Einstein, I'm ignorant.
Until I find out for myself, I'm sticking with my ideas.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dear Aggressive Teenager:

50 posts.
I heavily rely on this blog in my social life. I can't think quickly, each quality post that I make takes at least an hour to make. In truth, I'm a slow guy; if one were to try to engage in intellectual conversation with me in person, I wouldn't follow. As you might guess, this could lead to some destructive st-st-stuttering and shallow phrases that protrude from my mouth. (Like how I make this graphic?)

Dear aggressive teenager,
Music is not your life, kiddo. Yeah, you listen to music. Maybe you listen to some great sounding music, maybe you know a dozen songs by heart. Who doesn't?
Surely none of us children deserve the right to that phrase.
Everyone thinks they know what the best kind of music is, that's why there's different kinds of music. Yeah? Which is why everyone is wrong. Yeah?
Another thing that bugs me is when people reply, "I listen to everything." Literally, everything?
"Yeah, I enjoy sipping tea to regional mexican remixes of Animal Collective."
Oh, well. Some people listen to everything. They must, or how would we have iTunes?

I ripped out of a survey from Chlorine Queen's blog. Now we can truly discover ourselves! *Myspace-whore face*
Which rhymes.

I enjoy how most surveys just dig at your sex life. They start with some innocent questions, then they suddenly bash you with, "When was the last time you had a boner?" Usually the readers will scan for these kinds of questions. They don't want to know what your cat did after you ate a sandwich.

How are you feeling at this exact moment in time?
Inquisitive. I'm innocent.

Any weekend plans?
No. I'm innocent.

Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?
Yeah. I'm innocent.

You go past a locker and see your boyfriend cheating on you, what’s the first reaction?
Change my vote on Prop. 8
(I'm innocent.)

Who are your last four texts from?
"Get a free texting plan, NOW!"
I'm innocent.

When is your birthday?
December 3rd. I'm innocent.

Are you imagining anyone naked right now?
I'm innocent.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

"What Do You Call This Stuff?" "Cystic Fibrosis."

I did that on paint. Not even close to the real thing.

chelibeli454 (11:11:26 AM): I hate being sick

Everyone hates being sick. It makes you feel horrible, your nose feels stuffy and your head aches.
It distracts from the healthy life, where your head is stuffy and your dignity aches.

So, viruses had this great idea of making you feel bad when you get sick. This worked for the last hundred thousand years, but in this modern age we've been winning. We have vaccines and chicken noodle soup, amirite?
So imagine how successful the viruses would be if they made people feel good.

Say goodbye to MarryJohnuwanna? and Cocaine-cola, bacteria would be the ultimate drug. Look at the number of people that do drugs, and then add that number to the current number of sick people in the world. Everyone would be sick.

"But wouldn't some viruses kill you?!? D:"
Don't drugs kill you?
"I don't get it.."
-Freakin' druggies. :D

With viruses that feel good, the entire human population would die out. Really fast. So instead of hating what that 24-hour influenza does to you, praise it for making you feel like a sack of rotting flesh. Its the reason that you're alive.

Daily Irony:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nicely done, (in plain English)

Sunday, October 19, 2008



I was motivated to find Elaine's blog, so I found a way.
And yes, Elaine. Public blogs are usually intended to be read.

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
I'll make it one.

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Not today.

Are you thinking of anyone right now?
I think of everyone.

How often do you change your main pic on myspace?
Whenever I feel like it.

When in your life were you at your lowest point?
It has yet to embrace me.

Do you think trust is a big deal?

How late did you stay up last night?

What's the reason behind this?
I was taking advantage of my weekend hours.

Last thing that surprised you the most about another person?
HAHA. I found out that someone was a hermaphrodite.

Do you seek revenge on someone who screws you over?
What good would that do?

What are you excited for?
Something different.

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?

How did you feel when you woke up today?
Like I could have used another 3 hours of sleep.

Last person to call you baby?
Never have.

Is someone on your mind right now?
"Are you thinking of anyone right now?" Eh?

Have you ever been in a hotel room with a friend of the opposite sex?
Yeah! :D

Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
Hope not, think not.

Why are you single?
Quite a bold assumption.

Who was the last person you threw out of your life?
Were it so easy..

Who was the last person to say "I love you" to you?
Mom, again.

Have you ever gone out with a football player?
HAHAHA, Whaaat?

If you're sleeping and someone calls you what do you say?
Usually, "Hello?"

Feel like talking to someone that you haven't in a while?
If I did, I would.

Are you mad at the last person who called you?
Mom? :O
I'm starting to realize how much I call her.

Expecting something to change in the next month?

Ready for winter to come?
It's October, right?

How do you make your money?
Drum lessons.

Today did you kiss a person you have feelings for?
Her boyfriend would kick my ass.
Thats if she had a boyfriend.
Thats if I fancied a girl.

Do you think you are an argumentative person?
I try to be, for the sake of this blog.

Are you a forgiving person?
I want to be.

Are you ticklish?
Only on the roof of my mouth.

Last friend of the opposite sex you drove in a car with?
Vickie B! :D
That was quite a while ago.

Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?
Yeah, but I can't believe that.

Looking forward to the next couple months?

Will your next kiss be a mistake?
Yeah, and I'm planning on it.

Last person who sang to you?
Haha, gross.

Have you held hands with somebody in the past week?
Yeah, for fun.

Where is the person you miss most right now?

Is there a high chance of you going out to the movies soon?
It depends on what comes out.

Next time you will kiss someone?
Holdon.. Let me get my "Who am I going to kiss today?" calendar.

Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
What is up with these questions? >:O

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Wow. No I haven't.

How was your Valentine's Day?
Thats after winter, yeah?

Last time you had a good laugh?
Last night, over youtube.

Why were you laughing?

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
The band.

Are you easy to get along with?
I'll let the people I meet decide.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
Who doesn't?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fun With Dimensions!

AGGH! I can't stop blogging!
It must be my OCBD.
Shall I let the shame of my mental capacity dictate whether or not I have a blog?
No! D:< I'm just changing, like the world does. This odd, odd world..

So now that I'm up and running again, I ask you this:
If you draw something on a sheet of paper with a pencil, is it really two-dimensional? I'm sure if you were to disenigrate that sheet, the remaining graphite shavings would count as 3-D, if put on a very small scale. There must be only one conclusion, there is no real second dimension. All other dimensions are conceptual besides our own.
Every dimension is conceptual, even time. Why don't things just happen, why is time considered an aspect of nature? Time, my good readers, is just a measurement used by man to record past events. Feel free to disagree.

I turned to art because I was tired of being wrong. Thanks, Picasso.

All hail the Ceiling Cat.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Don't Bite Your Tongue.

Wow, over 200 views! I'm flattered, everyone.

"And those everyones have a favorite color, nobody denies it.
What other people fail to realize, however, is that these colors are composed of other colors, a mixture of reds, yellows and blues. These colors make other colors that mix to form your color, your favorite, in a complex system of values and hues. So it would be unreasonable to like the color orange and 'hate' yellow, because within that orange you would also find pigments of yellow.
As a result of this complex hue system, each color is vital to the other. Perhaps the impact it has on the spectrum may vary, but removing any color will still have a substantial effect. So to me, all colors are equal. I like all colors." -Ryan

"I like the color blue!" -Average Joe

And with that, I close this blog. "Why, Ryan?"
Because I'm sick of blogs that never close.

A resurrection of the Ghettobook- The ideas, compilations, and Tif's quirky jokes. A record of my efforts to draw, to think, to write down my shallow thoughts.
I'd like to keep going, to generate more philosophical questions that have already been answered, but I can't.
Somewhere in the midst of my return to school, I've lost my "Mind Bottling" mentality. I'd just mess up this blog if I were to post anything else.

But don't bite your tongue just yet, I smell another blog coming.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tee design

Only one side so far..
Just an idea, open for editing Natasha!

Its always the most popular people that are paranoid about being disliked.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chlorine Queen

For the most massive clump of Vickism you'll ever face.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I made a sign for Jenny today.
Yeah, its ugly. But I spent a lot of time on it.

So I offered it to her, right?
jenny crack bear (10:07:58 PM): Ehh
jenny crack bear (10:08:14 PM): You can keep it and put it on your wall

Nobody can say that I didn't try.

banANNIEsplit89 (7:14:02 PM): dude the cutest pickup line ever is "are you a librarian?" "noo" "well your eyes speak volumes"
solarpoweredspaz (7:14:15 PM): HAHAHA
banANNIEsplit89 (7:14:15 PM): xcept my hair wiill be like crazy and take over.
solarpoweredspaz (7:14:36 PM): You are one for crazy hair dictatorship, banannie.

Friday, September 26, 2008

What the French, toast?

What makes the bad word bad?
The only reason why people swear is because society makes such a big deal about it. See, if "shit" meant "nucleus" then it would be substantially less prominent in everyday vocabulary. People like to use powerful words to make powerful sentences, the most powerful of course being the most vulgar. But who gives these words such intense meaning? Only the people who oppose it, of course. If religions and businesses stopped caring, if parents taught their kids to say them, would they still be considered bad?
Another peculiar thing about swear words is that their equally vulgar synonyms are perfectly fine to say. What makes "nucleus/shit" worse than "feces"?
Scientists have to call it something, I suppose.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Define "Regression"

"Once at his house, we went straight to the refrigerator. Peter found Oreos that had the cream spilled all over them instead of in between the two cookies. Instinctively, I asked David if I could take one. Then David's mom saw something through the window in the backyard. She screamed, "There it is! It's that thing!" She ran to the backyard. I began to follow. She had a pond filled with beautiful fish, but one animal stood out. There was a hideous eel about six feet long. In one swift motion she grabbed it and pulled it out of the water. We killed it, stomping on its head."

Ray has a way of vividly solidifying even the most amorphous of dreams.

CuppiT3A Cakes (8:09:53 PM): decisions decisions..
solarpoweredspaz (8:10:02 PM): All the choices you can make.
CuppiT3A Cakes (8:10:14 PM): not worried about that.
CuppiT3A Cakes (8:11:05 PM): im worried if i can do something i want to in life..
solarpoweredspaz (8:11:51 PM): Then want to be alot of things, it'll increase your chances.

I'm actually ashamed of my email address. Ryan_kwok13? I made it when I was thirteen.
But what was I planning on doing when I turned 14?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Plaster On My Wall

M: one day
M: im gonna die of depression
M: or stress
M: or something
R: Doesn't everyone?
R: If someone could live a stress-free life, they'd never die.
R: Alas, fear of death causes stress.
M: Well
M: im not afraid of dying actually
R: You would be, if that was the only thing you'd have to worry about.

Yes, I stopped posting.
I'm not lazy, I'm out of material. I don't have the time to think with these constant deadlines tugging at my metaphorical sleeves. This year stresses me out with excessive work and unforgiving grades. I broke my sock drawer recently. Frustrated at my sock drawer for being so fragile, I threw it across the room. Later I realized that an action like this would only obliterate it further. And rupture the plaster of my wall.
Don't avoid me. This isn't who I am.
In a desperate attempt to find enlightenment, I've begun to think pessimistically. Its starting to stick, and worse, it isn't working. I try everything to avoid depression, for the sake of this blog.

An unhappy poster is a boring poster.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I dig this movie for the hilarious dialouge; I'm not much of a marvel fanatic.

No way, no how I'd get a girlfriend now.

Egoraptor's girlfriend? Hotdamn!

One of my fetishes, along with toes.

Friday, September 12, 2008
An emotive game. Hella fun.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Kueter: "What I wonder is why they call them portables if they intend to keep these ones permanent."

Hao: "Look, I found this dollar by the field!"
Us: "What were you doing all the way out in that field?"
Hao: "Looking for a dollar."

Our school admin can fund a remodeling for our P.E. bathrooms, yet they can't afford a class set of books? I'm not calling any-idiots-one names.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Food and Mockery.

Dear Miss Tran (Nguyen) made a new blog without giving me the address. Am I a less preferred reader than the pedophile to the left, eating fries and reading random student's blogs? Are things awkward to that extent? Ouch.
Nevertheless, her blog is as Mymyotologic as ever. Scientists and I have noticed that she's emitting more emotional spasms than last year.
Her blogs look like..



Anyways, I just got back from a fridge-fest. Before every time we go out of town for an extended period of time, we empty out all of the perishable contents of our fridge and gluttonize ourselves. Its an awkward, stumbling, rolling around movement for the family for the rest of the weekend.

Food and mockery. That's how I deal with it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Daily Irony

All of these rich people complain about global warming, then they turn around and say, "Let's stay in Hawaii for a few days. Its nice down there."

Monday, September 1, 2008

Where's the love?

I turned on the television, and I saw something on the news about an anti-war protest that got violent. That's the best dose of irony that I've had all day.

MINDSLIKEOURS is now in session!
Join our teamblog.

Sunday, August 31, 2008



Just watch..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

-TIFFANYPACK- (Help Me, I'm Growing!)

That Tif, she always has to have the last laugh.

I received a thrilling counter to my Rybox that I sent her while in Oregon. It was made with bits and pieces of the former package with Tif's scrawling all over the inside. In it included Oregon-imported foods (Fig bars, vitamins, and lime-flavored mints) which I immediately consumed, pictures from her travels, loads of inside-jokes, and [my favorite] a London-esque magnet.

She's such a surprisehost. Thanks, Tif!

If everything grew at the same rate, [including distances and temperature ranges] then nobody would be able to feel or detect it. What if right now, as I type this, everything in the universe [and the universe itself] were getting bigger, further away? What if it were constant, even atoms and the smallest particles grew as well? How would we know? Would we ever be able to figure it out? After all, with everything growing now, we have no referance to compare sizes. We could very possibly live in a world where growth is as infinite and constant, and the only growth that we can recognize were changes in growth acceleration?

Short people, rejoice. I just found a cure.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Hey, At Least It Isn't Raining Gorilla Balls."

Back to School. Hurrah.
I'm not going to post my schedule, because everybody else does it. Actually, I'm just lazy.

I saw Tif, who gave me a postcard and a map to some art gallery. If delightful surprises were like parasties, she'd be the biological host.


B0L0GNABUT T (9:21:03 PM): ""That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

[Surely he didn't have in mind drugs, french frys, or anti-male enhancement?]

Okay, its been a while since I've ranted.
You get dumped, you didn't make that football team, your dad yells at you for not doing something right and you think to yourself, "Man, my life sucks gorilla balls."
People tend to measure their circumstance based on the quantity of misfortunes of their day. What they fail to realize is ratio of things that could go wrong versus the things that do. It turns out that no matter what happens, you life could suck alot worse. It happens all the time.
For example, I didn't get into the same P.E. class as the one that my other friends were in. I thought it sucked. Gorrila balls, in fact. So I marked it onto the "Things that went bad today" mental list. If I were to get into Corona's class, I wouldn't have marked it on the "Things that went great today" list. I'd take it totally for granted, as a life factor that worked to my advantage.
People do that because too many kickass or average things happen every day to keep track of them. Misfortunes, however, are fewer and easier to count.

Next time something happens, anticipate all the pessimistic things that could happen.
You'll learn to appreciate everything that doesn't involve Gorilla Balls.

Nice shirt!;jsessionid=A4423A28C632C266177D573A78FF4F32.app11-node2?itemdescription=true&itemCount=10&id=15279953&parentid=M_APP_TEESSHORT&sortProperties=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=234&navAction=poppushpush&color=

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Tiny Little Update

Did you see the Olymic Closing Lightcycles? I want one of those!

Friday, August 22, 2008

TMSAC. G, IHMondays.

I'm going to have to start worrying.

Other blogs about PB&J sandwiches and hairballs don't have to break a sweat. See, because other people blog about their days, they always have a topic to blog about.
As for myself, I'm limited to a certain amount of witty queries thanks to my small attention capacity. God, I hate Mondays.

What can I do when that day comes, when everything I can think of is in this blog?
Should I start blogging about my day, like the rest of the people that control blogs?
No, I have a policy.
Am I going to be forced to stop blogging altogether? Surely not.

In reality, Mind Bottling will die before I lose my blogging ideas. Just like the Ghettobook before it. Like the Ghettobook, I was stoked when I started it.

Even now, I can see myself tending to blogger less every week. I get bored thanks to my small attention capacity. God, I hate Mondays.

Ah, we'll see what happens.
As you might have noticed I'm home! It's the freshest smog-infested atmosphere I've ever tasted on my tongue, and I love it.

CuppiT3A Cakes (10:26:55 PM): AHH. ryan reminds me of SOYMILK

solarpoweredspaz (11:18:40 PM): You sounds lonely, Cat.
solarpoweredspaz (11:18:47 PM): Lonely and sad and pathetic.
studm00ffin (11:18:49 PM): I am acutally.
studm00ffin (11:18:52 PM): pretty much
studm00ffin (11:18:55 PM): ive got to admit
studm00ffin (11:18:58 PM): i eat lunch alone

Somebody make friends with her, before I smash some faces.
But then again, you brought it upon yourself Cat.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear August 20th:

Engrish photo of a sign that says spik inglish
more the engrish!

Welcome back to California, Ryan! This is a scheduled post from the past, by your former self. What did you spend the last week of summer on, FutureRyan? You know things that nobody else does right now. Who's the 2008 Olypic gold medalist for nose-picking? Only you know. Did Tif get the package that I didn't send her yet? I hope so, I'll get to it.
Don't worry Ryan, I have your back. I'll do things now so you don't have to worry about them. Remember that dirty laundry that we were supposed to do? Consider it done.
Write back, if you can find some freakish way to do so.

-Ryan of 8/10/08

Monday, August 18, 2008


solarpoweredspaz (10:07:36 PM): Hey, creamcake.

Two more days, and I'll be in California. I spent my last days in the coniferous city of Durango. Every part of Durango is beautiful, perky female residents especially.
But guess again, if you think I traveled for five hours just to spot girls. I went for my driver's permit. Yeah, chances are that I'll be catering [you, the reader] around until you can get a little red motor scooter of your own. That means you too, Annie.

After my driving class with [who else but pretty girls?], I went canoeing with a guide named Brian. Brain sounds uncomfortably close to Ryan, my previous rafting guide. Tif , who also went rafting, had an instructor named Ryan as well.

So who knows? Maybe I'll look into river-guiding for a summer job.

"Mind Bottling.
I finally got Ryanbear’s package today. I went outside and it was sitting happily on the stairs getting sunned on. I cracked that thing open faster than you can say “NASTIA LIUKEN TOOK HOME THE GOLD IN THE OLYMPIC ALL AROUNDS.” Inside, there was the most Ryanified things I have ever layed my Australiasian hands on. Things like tweaked Pokemon cards, a bar of used soap, a zebra painted rock, and his Ghetto Book :O. Which Ryan, I’m going to have to give back to you. Now this package is what I’d call some major Ryanspice."

Delivering five minutes of awkwardness at a time. Through the mail.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tie Your Shoes, Cos' You're Trippin'.

Compose the lyrics to a new national anthem that features an animal sound at least once:

Oh say, wtf can you see?
A figure approaching spontaneously.
With a light pink utter, and unsteady knees
Stands the magic cow of liberty.

And although the flag was still in the air
The reason being was quite unfair.
The enemy wouldn't, couldn't touch a flag
That Lady Cow protected with a giant plastic bag.

Oh say, does that star-spangled banner still wave?
Yes, all because Lady Cow was so brave.
So next time you pass by a bolvine, behave.
It may be the grandcow of the country she saved.


I was watching this biographical clip of this Olympic swimmer with a simplistic lifestyle. All he did was eat, sleep, and swim. I thought to myself, "Hey, that's the life of Vickie Bounkousohn."

The Messes of Life

Judges. I've been watching the Olympics and wonder who these people are. What gave these people the right to tell the best athletes in the world how badly they did that double-bacon backflip supreme?
You gave him a five, Judge Jacob? Show me a perfect double-bacon backflip supreme.

When it comes down to things, you just can't judge the best of the best. But if that were true, how would you decide who was the best? Ah, tragic.

I pulled an all-nighter with my youth group last night. It was much more fun than it sounds.
However, it knocked my sense of sleep out of whack.
You know whats whack?
My sense of sleep.
That's whack.

Anyways, its always a mess when I do things with my kids here in the CO.
Everyone gets pissed off, goes through every break up imaginable, and swap salivamates. Kind of like square dancing.

In this case, in all of these cases, I'm always caught up in the messes. In the messes of life. I learn to appreciate the less-shallow lifestyles in California, where rebound limits last longer than just two hours.


Sunday, August 10, 2008


Horray for an urban change!

If I were supposedly in a band, maybe called Best of Basics or Advocet or whatever kids name them these days, I'd be frustrated. Relationships don't last long enough to write songs about them.

Toothpaste! They all taste like mint to me, yet they each claim to have a certain strength like "Cavity Protection" or "Super Whitening". Does your breath smell like fish? Get our "Anti-Fishbreath" paste. Allergic to paste? Get our new "Paste-Free" paste.

Nono, I think that this is a scam. See, people with cavities would be more likely to buy a tube of toothpaste with a label that specifically says "Cavity Protection" It'll make the toothpaste sound more effective at dealing with that certain situation. Specialist toothpaste.
Now say that it was actually true, that each toothpaste had a strength. Why not then, take a blender and throw all of the toothpastes in to create a final, perfect toothpaste Armageddon? The answer is..
Specialist toothpaste. Refering to previous ramble.

My grandmother loves to talk to me, but she tries too hard to relate.

G: "Have you seen the Olympics lately? It's being held in China, I think you'd like it."
R: "Uh. Thanks, Grandma."
G: "Yeah, China's changed alot in the past decade. Right Ryan?"
R: "Yeah.. do you know that they built a wall?"

solarpoweredspaz (10:56:08 PM): Its like we were meant to be friends.
B0L0GNABUT T (10:56:46 PM): it's like some solar magnetic bond drew us together from colorado and oregon and confined us to san jose
B0L0GNABUT T (10:56:51 PM): just like in transformers

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why So Seriouss?

As you might have guessed, I watched The Dark Knight.

I had an erotic dream about Tiffany last night. I'm sure you wanna hear about it.
In this dream, Tif and I planned a vacation to Canada. After arriving, we decided that making a house of snow would be much less expensive than renting a hotel. Makes sense, right? We spent hours building this igloo, and right after we finished it these elementary kids attacked us with arrows. We manage to force these kids back to India, and that's when we discovered a dead body. This dead body is frozen in the ice like those ancient barbarians that scientists discover, except that this one is a Chinese monk. In Canada.
So we sent it to the dead body scientists, and they said that it was someone important. We became filthy rich and were recognized as people of awesomeness, and we both eventually died old and happy. The end.

Oh, and naked women would appear randomly throughout the dream. I told you it was erotic.

Hey, I'm Ryan. I like the smell of gasoline. I don't like the smell of bleach. I have a toe fetish.

I was at an airport, and this employee came to help an old lady with her bags. "Hello miss, my name is Jason-"
"Okay, Charley." She replied.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Smell Onions.

When people make promises, they are ether going to carry out what they're expected to do or not. This usually occurs in a pattern, and people can be categorized as "reliable" or not.

I'm not a reliable person, when I come up with a far-fetched idea I almost never move to carry it out.
I'm saying this because Chomper came to visit me here in Colorado. I never thought Cat was serious about it when she mentioned it, not at first. Talking is easy.
But that's what makes me different from her. I'm not reliable.

Thanks, Cat. It means everything to me.

solarpoweredspaz (11:10:17 PM): I miss you, captain! D:
mycheesestick (11:11:51 PM): D:
mycheesestick (11:11:55 PM): you know.
mycheesestick (11:12:06 PM): i know know why people fuss about
mycheesestick (11:13:09 PM): plagiarising/copying
mycheesestick (11:13:10 PM): because
mycheesestick (11:13:22 PM): if no one ever borrowed an idea from anyone elsemycheesestick (11:13:44 PM): we'd all still be living in caves banging freaking rocks together to make fire.

Smart one, Miss Annie.

CuppiT3A Cakes (11:13:08 PM): whatsaap?
solarpoweredspaz (11:13:14 PM): Nothingg
solarpoweredspaz (11:13:16 PM): Blogging.
solarpoweredspaz (11:13:21 PM): I smell onions.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

"Live Every Day As If it Were Your Last"

So many people have those cheesy sayings somewhere on their myspace pages. Things like, "Live every day like it was your last", or something along the lines of it. Don't deny it, you know you have it somewhere, too.

Then you think about what you would do if you were on the last day of your life. I know what you'd do. It's what I'd do too. The same answer goes for that question in Vickie's blog, "What would you do if you had the entire world to yourself?"

I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd streak.

I'd spend all of my money on food. I'd write a will to my dog. I'd do something illegal and get arrested. I'd throw things, I'd make a scene in a public place. I'd die my hair blue, I'd get a tatoo.

And I'd be naked the entire time.

So before you quote that on your myspace, "Live every day like it were your last." think twice.
I'm sure the public would appreciate it if I don't.

Finally, Red Pants

I'm getting excited over all of my blog's readers?
Is it interesting? I hope you like my MB.

So one might question why I haven't been posting for the last few days. I was in Denver, Colorado.

And there was one peculiar thing that happened to me on my trip there. I went to this fancy aquarium/seafood restaurant. It was an aquarium, with exhibits full of exotic tropical fish. In the center, there was a seafood restaurant. Which served fish.
So I wondered aloud, maybe rudely, "Wouldn't that be horrible to be a fish in there? You'd have nothing to do all day but watch people eat other fish."

In sympathy for the fish, I ordered a hamburger.

I stopped by urban outfitters, Tiffanzy's sanctuary, to buy red pants.

MYMYubl0wmyMiND (9:12:32 PM): please dont wear them
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (9:12:32 PM): ;D
solarpoweredspaz (9:12:53 PM): I will, and you'll get used to them.
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (9:12:35 PM): i wont talk to you if you do

Mymy and Cat will hate them, for sure. I don't care, I'm wearing them.

Also, I've decided to start printing the crap that I draw onto T-shirts.
If people like them, I'll start mass-producing. If not, I'll just wear them.
I'm down, ether way.

I've discovered a genius.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


For you, Nila.

The tests say I'm an attentive visionary. Tests..

My personalDNA Report

Cat says I'm too modest, but I have nothing to be modest about.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

*I Move Away From the Mic to Breathe In

People don't decide to do amazing things when they realize how short life is. People decide to do amazing things when its too late to do anything about it.

I have two brains.

Some people excel with their right brains, some with their left, and some don't use their minds at all. When people ask which side I lean towards, I don't know what to say. Can't people be both-sides dominant? Can people not be logical and creative at the same time? I want to be, I really do.

Having two minds is a hassle, with both of them constantly at war. My left mind is Christian, old Righty here is Atheist. Or perhaps not Atheist, maybe willing to accept that to prove that there is a God or not is impossible. What do you call that again, Tiffers?

So, okay. Say for one second that you're religious, say that you're promised an afterlife with no worries or troubles. Say that if you're not a believer, you won't be a part of this afterlife.
Would you really be happy in a place where you forget your non-religious loved ones?

I enjoy being human. I appreciate people's mistakes.
But people always associate mistakes with humans. My cat, AIDs, wasn't perfect. I've seen her fall down a staircase, and on one occasion she jumped onto a porcupine. Animals aren't perfect. We just aren't there when they make mistakes.

Oh, what I'd do for a good one-liner.
solarpoweredspaz (11:02:36 PM): You'd look cute in any glasses, no matter how dorky you think they are.
CuppiT3A Cakes (11:02:53 PM): you are the biggest sweettalker ithink i have EVer met
solarpoweredspaz (11:03:36 PM): I practice in front of a mirror, every day. Just to try to impress you.
CuppiT3A Cakes (11:03:44 PM): Loll
CuppiT3A Cakes (11:03:46 PM): what a Line!
solarpoweredspaz (11:03:57 PM): Think I can get girls like that?

B0L0GNABUT T (11:45:01 PM): good thing we don't have names like darla or debbie dusterdick
solarpoweredspaz (11:45:42 PM): Yeah, I wouldn't call you anything if you happened to have a name like that.
solarpoweredspaz (11:46:06 PM): "Hey, uh.. Dusterdickbear."
solarpoweredspaz (11:47:14 PM): Loveit? Honestly, I'd rather not.
B0L0GNABUT T (11:49:08 PM): haha, i'd rather not too
solarpoweredspaz (11:51:16 PM): If you could find an adjective that describes me, what you it be?
B0L0GNABUT T (11:51:37 PM): oh god, ryan
B0L0GNABUT T (11:51:54 PM): it'd probably be impossible, because you are one of those words that hasn't been invented yet
solarpoweredspaz (11:52:05 PM): Invent one, off the bat!
B0L0GNABUT T (11:52:16 PM): dusterdickulous

B0L0GNAHEAD (12:29:09 AM): Your words turn circles around my mind.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Shock Me Like an Electric Eel

This shouldn't count as a post, its way too short. It's just an electric jolt to my dying blog.

I don't know what I'm talking about today.

i t vickiee (10:47:24 PM): Blogging is a staple to my bleak summer life.
i t vickiee (10:47:27 PM): LOL.
solarpoweredspaz (10:47:57 PM): You should put that in your blog, it was a fantastic metaphor.

Resulting in my own little spot in ispyakiki:
"I have to agree with Kwoker's blog. I too, am worried about losing my perspective, but then again, I wonder if I had a perspective to begin with. I never thought I was deep, to begin with. For all I know... I'm as deep as a cake pan. 'Blogging is a staple to my bleak summer life.'"
"I feel like I've just been elected president"

MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:28:44 PM): INTENSE SHIT
Agreed, Mymy.

solarpoweredspaz (10:23:21 PM): Vegass
solarpoweredspaz (10:23:22 PM): Again?
studm00ffin (10:23:27 PM): YES
studm00ffin (10:23:31 PM): dude
studm00ffin (10:23:33 PM): that place
studm00ffin (10:23:36 PM): is banging
studm00ffin (10:23:39 PM): with porn on the ground.
studm00ffin (10:23:41 PM): AHHAHA
studm00ffin (10:23:43 PM): Jk :X
solarpoweredspaz (10:23:46 PM): LOL
solarpoweredspaz (10:23:48 PM): WHOA
solarpoweredspaz (10:23:51 PM): TAKE ME THERE.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wet People

You know that wet dogs smell horrible to people. How do wet people smell to dogs?

The Stampede of Monte Vista. That's the closest that the people of the San Luis Valley will ever get to Disneyland. There's a carnival that always comes over during the last weekend of July, and it truly is amazing.

And though the carnival and friend's houses were surreal, one tiny moment made my week, maybe even my entire month.
I received a postcard from Tiffanzy today. She didn't say much, it was simply a friendly greeting. But before that moment, receiving things in the mail was never as exciting. That postcard is going up on my wall, no doubt.

About life now, hm? Thanks again, Tif.

I'm worried about losing my perspective, paranoid about how shallow I'm getting. I can feel my vocabulary shrinking, I can feel my constantly-loosening judgement. Everything is affected, my thoughts, my choices, the things I read in textbooks, I'm getting mentally weak. This is what summer in the CO does to me, and it freaks me out.

Or perhaps..

Maybe I've always been like this, and I just can't come to admit it. I'm not deep, no. But I've always told myself that I was, and for what? To be different? Everyones deep, everyones shallow. It goes both ways, depending on which situation you would consider me in.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

F*ck! World Peace! :D

I've been thinking, and I always think of the best things to blog about during the course of my day, and then I forget it before I can get to a computer to post about it. I remember having this dream about a hairdresser that couldn't cut his own hair. It made sense at the time I had the dream, and I retrieved a moral from the dream, as well.

But.. I forgot it. What if it was the secret to total happiness? World peace? And to think that I could have changed the world if it wasn't for my malfunctioning brain. And everyone has that kind of potential, to be the best of the best. Its those small imperfections of humanity that hold us back. The smartest person in existence probably died at too young of an age to do anything, by chance.

The reason for this blog is to entertain you with broken ideas and good promises. Or broken promises and good ideas. Ether way, I set rules for myself so that I [the composer] don't overwhelm you [the dearest reader] with emotional stress or boredom.

I'm going to be honest. Unless I'm obsessing at the time, I don't want to read about someone's boringass life. Remember "Dear blog, today I ate a PB&J sandwich. Then my cat threw up a hairball."? I don't want that, and I'm sure that you don't ether.
Then we have some people who ramble about life, kindof like me. The catch is that these people oftentimes take a pessimistic view of the matter. They think deeply..
About how "life sucks"
I'm not saying that I hate bipolar blogs, they're just not much fun to read.

The ghettobook died, somehow. Both of those previous reasons slowly found their way into those coffee-stained pages.
That's when I subscribed to blogger.

B0L0GNAHEAD (11:16:56 PM): are you gonna be an artist when you grow up or a creative writer?
B0L0GNAHEAD (11:17:03 PM): Not that you have to pick or anything.
solarpoweredspaz (11:17:55 PM): Nah. I'm going to be a doctor, like my dad would like me to be.
B0L0GNAHEAD (11:18:25 PM): Really.
solarpoweredspaz (11:18:29 PM): I don't mind, I have a weakness for money.
solarpoweredspaz (11:18:53 PM): Its horrible, and I know it won't make me happy.
solarpoweredspaz (11:19:28 PM): But will I be much happier as an artist in poverty?B0L0GNAHEAD (11:19:29 PM): Yeah...
solarpoweredspaz (11:19:33 PM): I don't know.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Quirky Relationship-Smells

I trimmed my mop of a head, and this woman put this treesap in my hair. And it smelled exactly like Cat Pham. Which leads me to today's point of quirky relationship-smells.
I'm not talking about girlfriend relationships, I'm talking about neuroscent relationships.

Neuroscent (noun) 1. The smell that you associate a person with as an effect of spending way too much time with them. It gets tattooed to the back of your conscience and will haunt you long afterwards.

Add That to the Victionary.

So Cat gets quite a few neuroscent locations, one of them being at the Great Mall by Anchor Blue. She must wear some common scented product, or something.
Tiffany and Vickie have their own, too.

And then I read back, at how I analyze the smell of people. And I realized how pathetic that sounds. Haha.

MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:46:46 PM): ITS CALLED
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:46:55 PM): its about a pregnant girl.
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:47:01 PM): but she was really innocent
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:47:05 PM): she had accidental sex.
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:47:06 PM): yeah
solarpoweredspaz (10:47:09 PM): HAHAHA
solarpoweredspaz (10:47:16 PM): ACCIDENTAL SEX!
solarpoweredspaz (10:47:17 PM): HAHAHA
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:47:23 PM): yeahhhh
solarpoweredspaz (10:47:25 PM): *slips* Sorry!
solarpoweredspaz (10:47:59 PM): I think she just happened to stumble into some guy's crotch.
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:01 PM): BUT IT WASNT
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:02 PM): DUH
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:02 PM): DUh
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:03 PM): DUH
solarpoweredspaz (10:48:06 PM): Thats the only accidental sex there is.
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:20 PM): thats not..
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:20 PM): sex
solarpoweredspaz (10:48:28 PM): Naked.
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:32 PM): YEAH
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:33 PM): OKAY
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:34 PM): OKAYYYY.
MYMYubl0wmyMiND (10:48:36 PM): SURRRREE.

OH, RIGHT. Happy Birthday, Cat.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Eat, Bomb, Sue. Repeat.

Hey, I'm Ryan. I'm an obese, war-crazy entrepreneur.

In other words, I'm American.
And you can't blame us, its our American routine. Eat, bomb, sue. Repeat.

And the president, what did he do to become the president?
Presidency is a deathtrap. People need to blame the legal system for how our lives turn out, so of course everyones going to pick on the most singled out person in it. The president.

And so many people hate them, those presidents. They're scapegoats for the American population. So many people hate celebrities, and other people that they don't know. Its stupid, what did they do to us, right? But never the less, our culture loves to shun people that we haven't met before. Creepy stuff.

I watched this crazy movie today, called The Air We Breathe, or something like that. Its trippy, its clever, its a loop. I'd recommend it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Orgasm Chair

I went camping for the last few days. Not wimpy camping, with an RV. This was 5 days straight go-savage-and-sleep-outside camping. My friends and I picked rocks out of our teeth and did things that would make Chuck Norris cry. Just kidding, but I did:

Exchange phone numbers during a concert
Go river rafting with some dude named Ryan
Buy a tie at a mall
Defend myself from an angry Crypt
Save a dying relationship
Dance to the Electric Slide
Headbang myself to a migraine
Find a girl that made me slightly regret California
Rap at a Denny's
Observed an orgasm via massage chair
Pay for it
Sing horribly, without having to be in a shower
Cut, slice, and dice potatoes
Learn some boss dance moves.

What a bomb time. Time bomb.[We had]
And I know I don't usually post about myself, but today is one of those days
that call for an exception.

I also added hands to this page.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Tuna Sandwiches

So, today I ate a tuna rather than the usual PB&J. I'm kidding.
What does that mean? A change of tone!

As you can see here, I have spent all of my time working on a new header after getting step-by=step instruction by the pioneer of blogger herself, Vickie B.
Which means I won't have any time to write. Too bad for you.

solarpoweredspaz: Some people dislike frosting, saying that it's fattening.
solarpoweredspaz: Then again, why would they eat cake if they were concerned about their weight?
mycheesestick: YES!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Things are Turning Out to be Pretty Odd.

Panic! gets props and a giving slap to the face. A 5-pointer, that band.
See, I have a self-morality rating for every band that I hear about.

High points go for originality, skill, undiscovered bands, and indie labels.
"That's stupid", you say, "Why would somebody not listen to a band for being mainstream?"
I know, I know. And I realize that. But it doesn't stop me from trying to be different. [like everyone else, you guessed it.] I'm a massive hypocrite.
Anyways, Panic at the Disco get a nice 10 points for originality and sound, but -5 points for being the most popular band as of today. What a turnoff, for me.

"What bands, then, do you like Ryan? Who do you give such a satisfying score to?"
Recently [this year], I've noticed that I enjoy bands like Beirut, MGMT, and Small Leaks Sink Ships. I'd list more, but I'm supposed to feel special, remember?

Haha, just kidding. If you like my deranged sense of music, contact your doctor while asking me to burn you a CD, or something.

solarpoweredspaz : I love pasta!
ttnpopo : haha
ttnpopo : i dont think theres a person who doesnt...
ttnpopo : that would be so weird.
solarpoweredspaz : I'm sure someone doesn't!
solarpoweredspaz : Like.. a native of some infectious rainforest of pasta-haters.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Silly Sasuage Spaceship

And other websites and blogs of my interest.

Fragile: Do Not Drop

Running Around, Screaming and Stuff

It's Still Me


Check it outt.

solarpoweredspaz (10:43:14 PM): What's new?
jenny crack bear (10:43:27 PM): Um So like in MY world all the people i know in reality are my imaginary friends. And in reality people in MY world are imaginary.
jenny crack bear (10:43:30 PM): Thats new :]
jenny crack bear (10:43:34 PM): I just realized it
solarpoweredspaz (10:43:58 PM): ._.
solarpoweredspaz (10:44:11 PM): Do I get to be imaginary?
jenny crack bear (10:47:40 PM): Well.. If i'm in my world then you're imaginary. But right now i'm in reality. So you're not :]

Tired of looking old and.. tired? You don't have to be!
How? Travel east at the same speed that the world rotates.
Therefore, you pass time barriers in such a way that the time will never change.
If the time doesn't change, you obviously aren't getting older.
You can stay young forever.

Hobo Wars? Wtf?

"Sounds like Life"

It's 3:40 Am
And I'm up because I can't think of an excuse to be awake this late.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spaghetti Metaphors

"Oh, the things I'd do, if I were you.
And the things you'd see, if you were me."
Thanks, Dr. Seuss.

I figure that Justin has plenty of time to think, he seems to understand a lot.
Cat considers traveling for me, what more could I ask for?
Mymy snares a bounty of fish, she just throws them all back.
Thi, you're much too adhesive. Take a break. Happy Birthday.
Jenny likes to listen to me ramble about sluts and music.
Cramcakes. Cramcakes?
Rohit has an open mind and an open mouth to match it.
Vickie dreams about drowning in mazes of people.
Tiff can always find some way to impress me.
Annie invents her own vocabulary.
But you, reader, are most important, which is why I didn't list you here.

That's life, I can't name everyone I know.

My dad has this saying that he loves to use. He quotes it when American teachers give elementary kids all A's and when people play games where "everyone wins"
He shakes his head and tells me, "You're special. Just like everyone else."

solarpoweredspaz (12:43:01 AM): So? Thi, if you were eating spaghetti, and you had this giantass mess of it on your face, only the good friend would point it out.
CuppiT3A Cakes (12:43:18 AM): thats not an opinion! thats a fact!
solarpoweredspaz (12:43:19 AM): The strangers would be polite and not point it out.
solarpoweredspaz (12:43:28 AM): To try to make you feel better about yourself.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Something's burning in the freezer.

Annie Says
1+1 = window. Okay.
get this, Annie.
2 = window. Kay?
Divide them each in half.
1.00 = win dow.
DOW can stand for Dawn of War, a computer game.
When you beat, or "win" the game, this is the ending~
At exactly 1:00 (1.00= Win DOW.), some character called a "Daemon" emerges.
"a daemon (pronounced /ˈdiːmən/ or /ˈdeɪmən/[1]) is a computer program that runs in the background, rather than under the direct control of a user"
Section 1 (1.00) is terminology, mentioning that "they took the name from Maxwell's demon, an imaginary being from a famous thought experiment that constantly works in the background, sorting molecules."
In Maxwell's thought experiment, The Second Law of Thermodynamics forbids (due to statistical improbability) that two bodies of equal temperature, when brought into contact with each other and isolated from the rest of the Universe, will evolve to a state in which one of the two has a significantly higher temperature than the other.
It sounds kind of sexual, dontchuh think?

Or, Imean.. you can do it the boring, unRyanized way...
If you put two 1's together in the shape of a plus.. it looks like a window.

As, a plus..
I love deep and intellectual conversations. About sex.
I guess I must be shallow. :\

Friday, June 27, 2008

Rabid Red Radishes~

Things are exactly as they might seem.

And I wish I had more wit. You see, I met a peer of mine from my former middle school today. Not the previous one, my previous previous one. She had a minor crush on me in the 6th grade and now is a waiter at a local restaurant. Not only that, but she has a kid. Wtf? Protection anyone?
It seems like an entire future is alot to give up for one night of pleasure.

...Now what?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another Ghettobook?

Wow, my very own blog!

A place where strangers read about each other's pathetic lifestyles. "Dear blog, today I ate a PB&J sandwich. Then my cat threw up a hairball."

Sorry, folks, nothing about my daily routines here. Just subject matter similar to the Ghettobook. "What's that, Kwokers?" Ask about it, I won't tell you. I'd ask in return, "Wtf are you reading my shiny orgasmic blogs for?" This is why, my friend, I have started a blog in the first place. For your sick entertainment purposes only. So you can read these things when you're bored, or trying to figure out where I live. just keeps getting better! It autosaves every 4 minutes!

Its impressive when you're trying to build the foundation of a blog utopia on a dial-up connection. I sure love Colorado.

"Aha!" Say the pedophiles, "He lives in Colorado!" I did, until I pointed out that you knew. Now I live in Utah. By Costco. I'm 47 and obese. Too bad, yeah?


My myspace page is getting crowded, so I'm going to start moving things in, like a new house. That's what this site is like, a new house. Just one of the many wonderful uses of a blog.

Another, I'll mention, is the ability to post links of lame things that I think are really cool onto this mess of a page. Long socks and flash movies, ftw.

I'll get everything finished once I finish my PB&J.